Physical Work Vs Mental Work

Which work is the most satisfying and which pays the most? Mental work.

Physical work is all tasks that require physical strength or stamina to accomplish the task and more physical works are sports.

Mental work on the other hand is the work done with nothing but the brain. Most people work in offices and their work is more mental and physical.

Physical work is, in my opinion, a poor way to make the most of yourself because the tasks are so few and repetitive that there will come a day that you will be fed up with your work and probably quit. There is another problem, physical work makes people retire sooner and with less money because physical work pays less and people can only work on such tasks at most until they are 50 years old.

On the other hand people can do mental work forever because it is proven that some people in their 80's are as mental sharp as young adult in his 20's. The brain is the perfect tool that works forever without getting tired and without complaining. Mental work tasks or jobs pay several times more and there is no billionaire that made his fortune with physical work, not even the sports people who are paid the most.


Article Written by xredburn

Professional Forex algo trader.

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