Silva Mind Method: Scam?

I tried the Silva Mind Method the ESP course and you want to know what all the course is about? Relaxing and visualizing success and everything should come.

Half of the CD is about success stories (they never talk about failures) and the other half is just closing your eyes and using mind movies etc.

Nothing happened in my life. Nothing good came because of this method, nothing whatsoever.

You can see some audios online and try them yourself. You will see nothing and feel nothing but the marketing is amazing it even has hundreds of testimonials who share their success such as getting a new car, new job, new house, more health, etc.

If this program was that good it would be taught in schools and universities but no, each seller says they have the best Silva Mind product and each seller is trying to convince you that’s the best thing you will ever buy to change your life etc.

You can even listen to the Alpha sound on Youtube but again, nothing will happen.

I wonder why Google continues to index such pages and ranking them at the top.

If you want a true change in your life you should start acting more and thinking less because thinking usually takes you nowhere but action gives you the right data and information you can use to think later.


Article Written by xredburn

Professional Forex algo trader.

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